7 Days To Die Saves
![Days Days](https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?quality=100&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogcdn.com%2Fwww.joystiq.com%2Fmedia%2F2013%2F07%2F7daystodie-zombiesurvivalgamebythefunpimpsentertainmentllckickstarter.png&client=cbc79c14efcebee57402&signature=04fa510cf87e5a8b57e0a4afa38680d8e72eeff2)
7 Days To Die Save Wizard
EDIT 3 It seems that clearing all the files and deleting everything related to 7 days then reinstalling fixed the issue.EDIT 2 - so now the issue is I can't get the server to start. I am stuck at 'starting server'. First I tried with Front Runner Tek, then I tried just launching the dedicated server config manually. Same results both times.I REALLLLLY wanna play:( Anyone get a server running on their own computer working yet?Save game folder for me use to be under My documents 7 days to die. Now it's not there. I can't find where the games are saving so I can use FrontRunnerTek Server Manager.Any help is appreciated!EDIT 1 Found it - AppData Roaming 7DaysToDie Saves.
7 Days to Die is a new survival horde crafting game from The Fun Pimps:. With over 1.5 million copies sold on PC (digital download), 7 Days to Die has redefined the survival genre, with unrivaled crafting and world-building content. Dec 18, 2018 - This guide walks you through using map save data generated by the game to locate traders on a random gen map. Because you need access. Seven Days to Die is still under active development and is receiving periodic updates. These updates add entirely new content and features. Because of this, If the game receives a major update It is recommended that you start with a fresh character created on a fresh map.