Contoh Dan Cara Pembuatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

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The purpose of this research is toenhance the student’s learning activity and study result by applying the Implementationof Learning Cycle Model in subjectmaterial “preparing the financial statements of servicecompanies.The kind of this research isclassroom action research. The subject of this research is 3 rdSocial Science Grade 11 th with 32 students. The object research isthe Learning Cycle Model. Theresearch instrument is the test namely the objective test and observationsheet. Based on the result, gained the average of study result in pretest with the average value is 48.41. Whereas in first posttestby applying the Learning cycle Modelhad enhanced 17.79 being 66.2.

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In the second cycle have enhanced 14 or 21.1% tothe average value being 80.2. And based on the learning activity have enhanced from 0 (0%) people in very good learning activity category, 8people (25%) are good category, 17 people (53.1%) are good enough category, and7 people (21.9%) enhanced being 10 people (31.3%) in very good activitycategory, 17 people (53.1%) in good category, 5 people (15.6%) in good enough category,0 people (0%) in not good category the first to second cycle. To try thesignificance of learning activity and study result in first and second cycle,it is used t-test, and the calculation gained t count = 3.09. Thecalculation t table = 2.00. By comparing the t count and t tableit is gained t count t table namely 3.09 2.00.Thus, the study result of accounting subject in the first post test at firstcycle and second post test in second cycle is significance. The calculation t tablefor learning activity is 5.09. The calculation t table = 2.00.

Bycomparing the t count and t table it is gained that t count t tablenamely 5.09 2.00. So that the learning activity in first post testat first cycle and second post test second cycle is significance also. To achieve a good educationquality certainly can not be separated from teaching and learning activity asthe main activity in the school. Maryono and Trisngati (2011) expressed that itcan not be denied that the teaching and learning process in the classroomappeared tending to be passive, the learning is more focused on the teachersand students still depend on the teachers, it can be seen from the tendencingof most teachers which active in talking in front of the class so the studentsget boring, sleepy and annoying the other students. Beside that, the choice andutilisation of learning models is also has an important role because until nowthere are many students that are less encouraged in studying because theteachers use the traditional or convensional learning model.

In achieving the goals ofNational Education and improving the quality of education, certainly theteaching and learning process is quite determine which involve teachers andstudents. Uno and Mohamad (2011:198) stated that “there are several factorswhich influence the effectiveness of student’s learning, namely the internalfactors that consist of physiological aspects and psychological aspects”. Inthe process of teaching and learning, the activeness of learners is veryimportant and should be noted by educators so that the learning process will becompletely obtaining the optimal results.

Based on the observationconducted by the researcher in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun, the researcherhas been obtained the information that the teaching and learning activities aswell as the study result of accounting subject tend to be low. The activitiesof teacher still tend to dominate the learning activities so that students takeon the subject material from the teacher and waiting for an explanation fromthe teacher without trying to look and find it by themselves by reading oranalysing, they lacked of courage in expressing their opinion, afraid to askteacher and friends about the subject material which they do not understand sothat there is no reciprocal reaction from students. Beside that, the teaching methods of teacher isless creative and just occurred in one direction, namely is the conventionalmethods or merely lecturing. That case proven by the data of students’saccounting study result in 3 rd Social Science Grade 11 th by the three daily tests, found that out of 32 students only 16students (50%) on the first daily test, 14 students (43,8%) in the second dailytest and 12 students (37,5%) in the third daily test stated who achieve theminimum completeness criteria set by the school namely 65. LearningCycle is one of the learning modelof student centered learning. Through some investigation conducted by theresearcher, this learning model is never implemented yet in SMA Negeri 2 BandarSimalungun especially in accounting subject.

This learning model suggeststhat the learning process can involve the students in active learning so thatthere are process of assimilation, accommodation, and organization in thecognitive structure of students. If construction process of knowledge occurswell so learner will be able to increase their understanding to the topicstudied. Based on the background of the above problems, the researcher haveidentified some of the problems encountered are: (1) How the implementing of Learning Cycle model can enhance thestudent’s learning activity in accounting subject in 3 rd SocialScience Grade 11 th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun?; (2) How theimplementing of Learning Cycle modelcan enhance the student’s study result in accounting subject in 3 rd SocialScience Grade 11 th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun?; (3) How thepositive significant difference in result of activity and study intercycle? In thiscase the researcher consult with teacher accounting concerned about theimplement of Learning Cycle modelaccompanied with its application steps so that the teacher knows exactly whatit's Learning Cycle instructionalmodel that will be expected to increase the activity and student’s studyresult. Learning Cycle is a learning model that consists of a seriesof stages of activities organized in such a way so that the learners can masterand competent on the subject materials that must be achieved in the way oflearning with an active role.

TheLearning Cycle,originally created by Karplus & Thier and later modified by Roger Bybee forthe BSCS project, proposes that learning something new, or understanding somethingfamiliar in greater depth, involves making sense of both our prior experienceand first-hand knowledge gained from new exploration (Saguaro, 2001). Learning Cycle is one of learning model that based on theconstructivist paradigm.

This learning model suggests that the learning processcan involve students in active learning so that there are process ofassimilation, accommodation, and organization in the cognitive structure ofstudents. If construction process of knowledge is occur with good so learnerwill be able to increase their understanding to the topic that learned (Jannahet al, 2012). Constructivism thinking assumes that anything constructed by thelearner becomes meaningful and compels him or her to form his or her ownperspective about learning through the individual systems and experience and tofind a relationship between the previous and the new knowledge (Zaitoon 2009;Gordon and Mordechai 2009, in Qarareh, 2012). Meanwhile Kusumaningsih (in Jannah and Azizah, Unesa Journal ofChemical Education Vol. 1, pp.17-24 Mei 2012) explained the phasesof 7E LearningCycle as below: “In elicit and engage phases, students aregiven an apperception and motivation which can relate topic that will learnedwith topic that has been learned previously and give them spirit to learnactively.

In explore phase, student are given the opportunity to utilizethe five senses as possible to interact with the environment through activitiessuch as experiment, analyzing the article, discussing and observing the naturalphenomenon, etc. Skyrim se weapon packs. From this activities, students are encouraged to doassimilation causing an imbalance in their mental structure (cognitivedisequilibrium) and the emerging questions that lead to the development of highlevel reasoning. The emergence of these questions as well as an indicatorstudent readiness to pursue the next phase.

In explain phase is expectedemerge imbalance process between the new concepts learned through activitiesthat require reasoning power. This phase correspond with accommodation phase instudent’s mental function. In elaborate phase, students are invited toapply their concept understanding through activities such as completing thereal problems that related with topic or doing experiments. Application ofconcept can increase of the concept understanding and motivation to learnbecause students know the real application of the concept that learned.

In evaluatephase, students are given several questions to know their understanding oftopic being learned. The last phase is extend. This phase can stimulatethe students to find the relationship of concept that learned with the other concept”.

Activity theorists claim that conscious learning and activity or performanceare interactive and interdependent, “we cannot act without thinking or think withoutacting; they are the same” (Jonassen, 2000). The important distinction is thatin order to think and learn, it is necessary to act on some entity (physical,mental, or social). Kalantzisand Bill Cope (2012) said that learning activities, as the name suggests, are“activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create theconditions for learning and also employing various learning activities andother approaches to teaching relates to the pedagogical character or focalintent of the activities selected.”. According to Sardiman (2011:100) learning activity consisted of twoaspects: (1) Mental activity is a willingness to be deployed and directed tothings that are active and mentally in order to obtain an optimal study resultnamely: listening, observing, remembering, and spreading; (2) Physicalactivity is an activity that has a role is only member of body. Example, whereone learns by reading books, but perhaps the thoughts and attitudes are notfixed on the books read. According to Kearsley andShneiderman (2003) stated 'by engaged learning, we mean that all studentactivities involve active cognitive processes such as creating,problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. In addition,students are intrinsically motivated to learn due to the meaningful nature ofthe learning environment and activities”.

According to Kennedy (2006:4), “studyresults are statements of what a student should know, understand or be able todo at the end of a learning activity”. Adam (2004) expressed that:“Learningresult is a written statement of what the successful student/learner isexpected to be able to do at the end of the module/course unit, orqualification. Learning results are concerned with the achievements of thelearner rather than the intentions of the teacher (expressed in the aims of amodule or course). They can take many forms and can be broad or narrow innature”. The action hypothesis in thisresearch are: (1) Theimplementing of Learning Cycle modelcan enhance the student’s learning activity in accounting subject in 3 rd SocialScience Grade 11 th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun; (2) Theimplementing of Learning Cycle modelcan enhance the student’s study result in accounting subject in 3 rd SocialScience Grade 11 th in SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun; (3) There ispositive significant difference in result of learning activity and study resultintercycle. This research will be conducted in SMA Negeri 2 BandarSimalungun Jln.

Perdagangan Km. 35 Marihat Bandar – Kec. Simalungunat Academic Year 2012/2013.

The subject of thisresearch is the students in 3 rdSocial Science Grade 11 thtotaling 32 people. The object of this research is the implementation of Learning Cycle model to enhance thestudent’s learning activity and study result of accounting. The type of thisresearch is CAR or Classroom Action Research which is consisted of four stages,namely planning, action, observation and reflection.

The research instruments used to collect thedata in this study are the observation sheet. Observations conducted during thelearning process takes place. Observation aims to determine how the activity ofthe students and also the teacher in the learning process takes place when Learning Cycle model applied. Theobservation technique used by listing the observation sheet that has beenprepared. As well as observation sheet, there is also use the test to measurethe students’s study result after LearningCycle model implemented. Test that will be used is in form of objectivetest which consist of five options those are a, b, c, d, and e in order thattaken the ability of accounting student’s study result after learning process.Before the tests being tested, it will be done the trial of the validity of thetests in the similar school (state school).

The results of the observation ofthe students during the learning activities taken place with the implementationof Learning Cycle model had enhancedor increased from cycle I to cycle II, it can be seen in Appendix, the dataobtained from the observation sheet of student’s learning activities. There arefour aspects to be assessed. They were visual activities (reading the result of the subject materialthat had been learned and giving attention on the worksheets), oralactivities (conversation, asking thequestions, giving advice, giving the opinion, discussions and interruptions), listening activity (listen to the teacher’sexplanation and the presentation of the other students), w riting activities (making the report and summary of the subjectmaterial that had been learned).


All of six aspects was given a scoreand assessment criteria. Based on the analysis of studentlearning activities can be known, that the percentage of student learningactivity in the first cycle is 0 (0%) people in very good learning activity category,8 people (25%) good category, 17 people (53.1%) good enough category, and 7people (21.9%) in not good category. Based on these data, the activity of thestudents still not achieve the completeness study standard so it will becontinued to the second cycle with the material subject namely statement ofcapital change and balance sheet. During the learning process that had beentaken place on the second cycle, the researcher noticed students' learningactivities and students were given at the end of the meeting posttest tomeasure student’s completeness study of the material and the result is therewere an enhaning in the second cycle namely up to 10 people (31.3%) very goodactivity category, 17 people (53.1%) good category, 5 people (15.6%) goodenough category, 0 people (0%) not good category. Then, it can be concludedthat the activity in the second cycle had improved and enhanced from cycle I. From the results above it can be seen that the student’slearning activities significantly enhanced from cycle I to cycle II. Theresults of the observations and the results of learning activities during theimplementation of Learning Cycle modelhad been enhance from cycle I to cycle II.

It is proven from the activity ofstudents in the learning process has lead to active learning better. Students hadbeen able to build a partnership with their friends in discussion, pay moreattention to each presentation of another students, able to listen to the opinionsand referrals and able to write the summary of the subject material learnednamely the financial statement. To find out the enhancing between the learning activityintercycle or from first up to second cycle and the study result of the firstup to second cycle it can be used with the t test. From the calculation gainedthe average of study result ( x ) in post test at firstcycle 66.218 with standard deviation 21 and the average of study result ( x ) in post test insecond cycle 80.156 with standard deviation 14.7, next in the calculation ofstudy result average in post test at first and second used the t-test, andbased on the calculation it was gained the combination standard deviation 18.1. The calculation gainedt count = 3.09.

The calculation t table =2.00. By comparingthe t count and t tabel gained t countt tablenamely 3.092.00. Thus study result of accounting in first post testat first cycle and second post test in second cycle is significance. Thecalculation t tabel for learning activity is 5.09. By comparing the t countand t table gained t countt tabel namely5.092.00.

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sd

So that the learning activity in first post test at first cycleand second post test second cycle is significance. After the planning time was fixed then the reseacrher backagain to develope the lesson plan which is consisted of the development of theobservation sheet and the test that would be tested to the students. Theresearcher made a small discussion with two accounting teachers in SMA Negeri 2Bandar Simalungun about the development of the evaluation before the test to bevalidity tested. From the discussion the researcher decided to test as much as40 items that would be tested in the similar school. Action is the stage of the implementation of planning thathas been made namely the teacher play a role as a teacher to apply the learningmodel of Learning Cycle model in thematerial subject about preparingthe financial statements of service companies.

The researcher also observed and record all activitiesundertaken during the learning process in accordance with the observation ofstudent activity. In this first cycle the research conducted as much as twomeetings. At the initial of research in the first cycle there were gave the pretest to determine the extent of student’s understanding of the material to bestudied and end with the giving the post test to determine the changes thatoccur. If the result of study under the minimum completeness criteria namely65, then the student not competent yet and if 70% of the total number ofstudents in the class not reached the value 65 so the classical completenessnot been gained yet, so it must been continued to the next cycle. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the acquisitionvalue of the first cycle did not reach the minimum completeness criteria in theclassical namely 70% of students have gained ≥ 65 because of there are only62,5% ​​ of students who reach thecompleteness. It was caused due to several factors, one of which was becausestudents had not been able to adapt to a new learning model applied.

Contoh Dan Cara Pembuatan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Adalah

Besides, dueto the low activity of student in the learning process based on the observationsheet. It is also proven from the discussions among the students, there weremany students who did not played an active role in the discussions and lookednot looked good cooperation among the group members. To overcome these problemsit need to proceed to the next cycle. In the second cycle, there were also two meetings where thematerial being taught was about the preparation ofcapital change statement and the elements of it.

Based on the reflection of the first cycle, the researcherdesigned the steps that would be held on the second cycle by paying attentionfor the weaknesses in first cycle namely the student had not been able to adaptthe Learning Cycle model that was applied, also the low activity ofstudent in the learning process as seen from the discussions among thestudents, that there were still many students who did not play an actively inthe discussions and had not seen good cooperation between group members. Because of the changes that had been made students were moreactive in following subjects as well as done the quize. More conducive in learningenvironment and students’s sense of responsibility towards their dutiesenhanced.

The student’s activity enhanced. From the observation that had beenconducted it could be seen from the seriousness of the students of listening tothe teacher explanation and the the other students when they presented thesubject material in front of the class, able and courageous in arguing, andwhen discussions run, the cooperation and sharing among smart students and thestudents who were less familiar with the subject matter had occured. The results of the observation of student activity duringthe learning process by implementing LearningCycle model from the first cycle up to the second cycle, students were moreenthusiastic about learning and given a good response. The improvement ofstudent’s learning activities is in line with the study result of students inthe second cycle. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of Learning Cycle model can improve the student’s learning activities and studyresult in accounting subject in 3 rd Social Science Grade 11 thin SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Simalungun with the basic competency “ preparing the financial statements of service companies”. From the data and dataanalysis of research it can be concluded that: First,byapplying the implementation of LearningCycle modelbased on the observation results obtained that in the second cycle can enhancethe student’s learning activity. It is proven that there occuredthe enhancing of student’s learning activity from 0 (0%) people in very good learningactivity category, 8 people (25%) are good category, 17 people (53.1%) are goodenough category, and 7 people (21.9%) enhanced being 10 people (31.3%) in verygood activity category, 17 people (53.1%) in good category, 5 people (15.6%) ingood enough category, 0 people (0%) in not good category.It is declared that there is a positive enhancing between first cycle up tosecond cycle.

Second, by applying theimplementation of Learning Cyclemodel proves that there had been occured the enhancing of student’s accountingstudy result. It is seen from the pre test that got with the average value is 48.41, and inthe first post test enhanced 17.79 point being 66.2.Because it still not reached the average of classical completeness yet, it wasnecessary to continue to the second cycle. In second cycle the average have enhanced 14 point to theaverage value being 80.2. Third,thecalculation gained t count = 3.09. The calculation t table=2.00.

By comparing the t count and t table gained t countt tablenamely 3.092.00. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a positive significant difference instudy result intercycle. Fourth,the calculation t table for learning activity is 5.09. Thecalculation t table =2.00. By comparing the t count and t tablegained t countt table yaitu 5.092.00.

Thus, it canbe concluded that there issignificant difference in learning activity intercycle.