Neonatology At A Glance Pdf

Neonatology pdfNeonatology pdf free downloadNeonatology ebook Table of Contents:part one. Maternal conditions and diseasespart two. Neonatal conditions and diseasespart three. Neonatal presenting signspart four. Procedurespart five. Supportive care ContentNeonatology is intended to be a practical bedside reference – nota comprehensive textbook – for problems likely to be encounteredin the Newborn Nursery or Newborn Intensive Care Unit by residents,neonatal nurse practitioners, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellows,family physicians, pediatricians, and neonatologists.
Neonatology at a Glance 3rd Edition PDF. Neonatology at a Glance 3rd Edition ebook provides a concise, illustrated overview of neonatal medicine.Written by leading international experts, it provides essential information on perinatal medicine, delivery, the normal newborn infant and neonatal problems encountered in neonatal intensive care units and their management.

Neonatology At A Glance Pdf Book
In additionto covering neonatal conditions, supportive care of the newborn,and neonatal procedures, sections on maternal conditions that haveimplications for the newborn, as well as a section on the differentialdiagnosis of presenting signs in the newborn are included. Materialis presented in outline format as bullets with short statements. Informationis provided under headings that are common to all the topicsin that section to facilitate navigating among the information presentedunder each topic. For example, information in the sections onconditions is presented under the headings History & Physical, Tests,Differential Diagnosis,Management, Specific Therapy, Follow-Up, andComplications and Prognosis, while that in procedures is presentedunder the headings Indications, Contraindications, Special Considerations,and Complications.We hope you find our book useful in your day-to-day encounterswith sick newborn infants and their families.Richard A. Polin,MD, and John M.
Neonatology at a Glance provides a concise, illustrated overview of neonatal medicine.