Download Pokemon Nero 2

Pokemon Black 2 Rom Free Download from, having a completely different storyline and new characters. Pokemon Black 2 is the next version of Black Pokemon game, which is also an awesome game to play. Some new places and gyms are in the game, making the game more advanced and more enjoyable. Both of the versions are the remake and advance game of Pokemon Fire Red Rom.
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Pokemon Black Version 2 hack cheats codes unlock, Pokemon Black Version 2 android walkthrough this game is a sequel to the fifth generation of Pokemon games, known as Pokemon Black & Pokemon White.Return to the captivating Unova region two years after the events of the original Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version games — the first time in the core Pokemon game series that a storyline has continued from one game to another. Players can explore new areas, discover Gyms with new leaders and see how everything has changed in the last two years.The Unova region has changed and grown in the two years since the original Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White Version games. The first towns players travel through are completely new, and some characters from the previous games have grown and moved into different roles.In Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2, players will also be able to catch some of the Pokemon from outside the Unova region, such as Eevee, Riolu, Tyranitar, Arcanine, and Mareep, right from the start of the game.Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2 feature the Pokemon World Tournament, an exciting battle arena where players will be able to take on numerous Gym Leaders and Champions from previous Pokemon video games. Fans of the series will be able to battle trainers like Lance, Champion from the Johto Region, and Volkner, Gym Leader from the Sinnoh Region. Players can also use a variety of battle styles and moves found in Pokemon Black Version 2 and Pokemon White Version 2 against these classic opponents.
Pokemon Black Version 2 ROMRelease Date: October 7, 2012E for Everyone: Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon ViolenceGenre: RPGPublisher: NintendoDeveloper: Game FreakSupported FunctionsNumber Of Players: 1-5OnlineLocal – VS # of PlayersOnline – VS Number Of Players: 2Multi-cartridge Multiplayer.
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