Mount And Blade Prison Break
Dec 29, 2014 Mount & Blade Warband - Rescuing Prisoners Part 1 - Tips, Tricks and Exploits. Mount & Blade Warband - Rescuing Prisoners Part 2. 7 Great Tips to Improve at Mount & Blade Warband.

Viking Prisoners
News:Check out our latest blog post about the Engineer/Sapper Class!Check out our latest blog post about buidling interiors!Check out our latest blog post about dynamic weather!Check out our latest blog post about the Melee System!Check out our latest blog post about the 20th Maine Part 2!Check out our latest blog post about the playable Musican class!Check out our latest blog post about the 20th Maine!Check out our blog post about artillery!It's finally here! Check out our blog post about the Shooting Mechancis! Welcome to the Jail Break servers official forum thread! If you are new to the server then please check out the rules! And if you have already been on the server then stay around anyways! In jail break the objective is simple!

If you are a prisoners then you must riot with others and kill the guards! As a guard you must prevent the prisoners form rioting and maintain control! Do not riot, attempt escape or kill guards until 56:00 thought! This small delay gives the guards some time to get all prisoners to cells and prepare for all hell to break lose! Another important rules if fro guards to kill with reason! Because the only thing preventing this from being a full on brawl is reason!
Mount And Blade With Fire And Sword Prison Break
If you kill a prisoner then always give a reason to prevent any confusion! Also all prisoners must go partizani, failure to do so will allow guards to and or teammates to have a field day on you. Try not to complain about RDM or anything else to much because admins will react to what they see and your spam does not help us see things.