Power To Weight Ratio Calculator
When researching performance figures of new cars, you may have come across the statistic for power to weight ratio. What is power to weight ratio? Basically, the measure of what makes a small engine car powerful and a big-engine beast docile.You take a vehicle’s horsepower and divide it by its curb weight. That gives you the power-to-weight ratio, which is represented as horsepower to 10 pounds. The higher the number, the better your car is going to be in terms of performance. In effect, look for cars with horsepowers to weight above one. It’s explained below.

If you calculate power-to-weight ratio and you use the Honda Fit as the BASE, then Honda Fit stays at 109hp and Honda HR-V ends up being 120hp. So when Honda HR-V is compared to Honda Fit, it does. Mar 01, 2013 Power-to-weight ratio is the formula used to determine your strength compared to your weight, and it’s the great equalizer when comparing riders of different sizes. The higher your power-to-weight ratio the faster you will go. Power-to-weight ratio is calculated by dividing your body weight in kilograms (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) into average watts for.
Power To Weight Ratio Calculator Bike
500 horsepower (V8). 5,478 curb weight.91 hp to 10 lbs. power-to-weight ratioBy that measure alone, we can see that the Alfa Romeo 4C is the better car in terms of power to weight. But neither car meets the golden standard of one horsepower to 10 pounds. Start to reach that number and you’re getting into some truly sporty cars. Who makes that list? At 1.58 horsepower to 10 pounds, the finds itself as probably one of the top Americans.
Overall, it’s going to be hard to beat the with its power to weight ratio of 2.29 horsepower to 10 pounds.Is power to weight the end-all and be-all of performance? Not necessarily because it doesn’t reflect a car’s handling or braking ability.
Power To Weight Ratio Calculator Cycling

But if you are looking to narrow down your choices, it’s not a bad place to start. Plus, it makes you sound more knowledgeable to your friends if you can quote your car’s power to weight ratio. I won’t be sharing the number for my 2008 Mazda Mazda5 any time soon but I did drive a (shown above) recently. Its power to weight ratio is 1.95 horsepower to 10 pounds.

Enter your power in watts and weight in pounds. Race Categories will display.Caveat: Only part of the story is told by Watts (whether onthe flats or climbing) so be sure to review.Your Watts:I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave. Try numbers greater than zero with maybe one decimal.I am sure you will agree it is important to enter a number, Dave.Your Weight:lbsI am truly sorry I can't do that, Dave. Try numbers greater than zero in both fields. Dave, I hope you understand it is mission critical you enter numbers in both fields.