Silent Hunter 3 Commander
GWX3 GOLD is the result of over 3 years of dedicated work to give fellow Silent Hunter 3 enthusiasts a truly immersive WW2 U-boat simulation. This final release for SH3 gives you ALL the hundreds of features and fixes from previous GWX versions in one single installer — PLUS a handful of new enhancements, including a groundbreaking new environment mod. I noticed that some other people were having troubles getting the game to run on XP (it seems to be the only negative review). There's a great install doc for XP if you just search for 'Silent Hunter Win XP DOS Game install' on Google. It'll take you through, step by step on what to do to get the game running at 100%. If you play with SH3 Commander Sh3 Dynamic Campaign will launch it for you, then you launch Silent Hunter III through that. If you don't use SH3 Commander then SH3 Dynamic Campaign will lauch Silent Hunter III itself. Either way, SH3 Dynamic Campaign should be running in the background as you play Silent Hunter 3.
Silent Hunter 3 Sh3 Commander

Contents.Gameplay Silent Hunter III features a dynamic campaign. Instead of giving the player a specific set of objectives for each mission, Silent Hunter III simply assigns the player a certain patrol grid, and appropriate naval traffic, such as, and are automatically generated by the simulation engine. How the mission proceeds and what targets are attacked is determined by the player.Silent Hunter III features two methods of play - either a dynamic campaign or select historically-inspired missions, such as an operation to save the, or the sinking of in.U-boat campaign In the campaign version of the game, a player begins their career as a 'Lieutenant, Jr.' (corresponding to ), with the choice of initial assignments to a base between the years 1939 and 1943.
The war time and political situation of is reflected in the geographical area and time period which the player begins their career.The Silent Hunter III campaign will assign the player a certain patrol grid with appropriate naval traffic (such as convoys, destroyer escorts, and task forces) automatically generated by the simulation engine. How the mission proceeds and what targets are attacked is left totally up to the player. The player also has the option to change realism settings on the submarine, adding challenges such as fuel being limited as well as various game play assistance features involving navigation, weapons, and the ability to switch to external camera mode to view the submarine's surroundings.The most difficult realism setting in the game allows a player to manually target for an attack on enemy vessels. In the manual targeting feature, the player must observe vessels, determine their class and nationality, as well as calculate speed, angle on the bow, and angle for torpedo launch. The player also has the option to set torpedo depth and spread shot with multiple weapons. De-selecting manual targeting allows a 'Weapons Officer' to make these determinations for the player, although approaching targets at certain angles and determining is still a factor.The simulation engine further generates various coastal and port cities, which appear as large harbors surrounded on the outskirts by town buildings,. It is possible for the player to sail into such ports (friendly, neutral, or hostile) and either dock or engage moored targets.
Some of the cities available are, Scapa Flow,. Although possible to sail to South America and into the Pacific, the simulation will not generate traffic or port cities for these regions.The game features a fully U-boat control room, allowing the player the ability to look around the interior of certain submarine rooms.
Unlike other submarine simulations, where the crew is often heard but not seen, Silent Hunter III allows the player to see and interact with crew members. The game also tracks the stats of individual crew members, such as rank, experience, morale, and decorations between missions.Reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore90/100Review scoresPublicationScore8.9/10GameZone8.6/108.8/1088%90%83%VideoGamer.com7/10The game received 'universal acclaim' upon release according to video game. According to, Silent Hunter III sold 26,600 copies by June 2005.The editors of presented Silent Hunter III with their 2005 'Best Simulation' award, and named it the year's third-best computer game. They wrote, 'Are sims dead? Not when they're this good.' It also won the 'Best Simulation 2005' award from, whose editors called the game 'simply an amazing voyage.' Retrieved December 20, 2014.
Lackey, Jeff (June 2005). Retrieved April 24, 2016. Driver scanner epson stylus tx 121x 4 2017 18. Baker, Tracy (March 29, 2005).
Retrieved December 20, 2014. Chick, Tom (April 8, 2005).
Silent Hunter 3 Commander Manual

Retrieved December 20, 2014. Knutson, Michael (March 27, 2005). From the original on October 2, 2008.
Retrieved December 20, 2014. Butts, Steve (March 18, 2005). Retrieved December 20, 2014.
'Silent Hunter III'. June 2005. 'Silent Hunter III'.
P. 64. PC Zone staff (May 25, 2005). Archived from on December 2, 2014. Retrieved April 24, 2016.
McCafferty, Iain (June 7, 2005). Retrieved December 5, 2017. Bemis, Greg (May 4, 2005). Archived from on May 7, 2005. Retrieved December 20, 2014. Saltzman, Marc (June 18, 2005).
From the original on July 2, 2005. CGM staff (March 2006).
'The Best (and Worst) of 2005: The 15th Annual Computer Games Awards'. Pp. 42–47. PCGUS staff (March 2006).
'The Twelfth Annual PC Gamer Awards'. Vol. 13 no. 3. Pp. 33–36, 38, 40–42, 44.External links.
Silent Hunter: Commander's Edition gives players a chance to control a US submarine in WWII and engage both the Imperial Japanese Navy and the civilian ships. Over 40 ships, military and civilian, are accurately depicted, as are 15 zones of areas like the Solomons and the Sea of Japan. Gameplay includes WWII film footage, cinematics, narration, and a realistic torpedo data computer. Players will take on historical missions and hypothetical situations during a career mode.Silent Hunter Commander's Edition is the compilation of the original Silent Hunter and patrol disks (expansion packs) 1, 2, and 3. Patrol disk 3 adds two more patrol zones, Aleutian Islands and Java Sea. Fifteen additional historical scenarios are included.Silent Hunter is a World War II U.S.
Fleet Submarine Combat Simulator. As a commander of a U.S. Submarine in the Pacific Theatre, from Pearl Harbor to the end of the war, you have a variety of submarines from which to choose and your task is simple, sink as much enemy tonnage as possible. One can play historical missions, hypothetical encounters or the career based campaign game. There are 9 patrol zones, from the Solomons to the Sea of Japan, and many coastal cities, ports and harbors to sneak into on either recon missions or to just sink ships tied up in port. As commander you may receive medals or commendations after especially successful or hazardous missions. Compare your tonnage and kill scores to those of actual commanders of the period and see if you can match up to the best.