Sistema De Reputacion Php
Note1: This article was first published in June of 2003 by “Maestros del Web“. The functions used in the code might need changes for newer versions of PHP and MySQL.
Redes Sociales. Sistema Educativo del Estado de Baja California 2014.
Abuso de almacenamiento: Con la popularidad de los weblogging y los sistemas de tablero de mensajes, una gran cantidad de sitios permiten a sus usuarios a mantener un diario o publicar fotos. Sitios como estos pueden atraer a los abusadores que quieren almacenar, sin temor de que pueda ser rastreado hasta sus propios servidores, no entradas de. Hola, soy TheGamerVicio, y hoy les vengo a traer este basico sistema de vehiculos, tiene un dialogo para spawnear los vehiculos, un comando para spawnearlos con la id del modelo, colocar callsigns, reparar vehiculos, etc Y ademas tiene un menu de ayuda donde muestra todos los comandos SS.
We will be happy to receive any comments on this matter.Note 2: Although the content of this post has been translated to English, the original PHP code is in Spanish.In this tutorial we will create a forum from scratch by learning to separate code from design and modularising our application so that it is simple to setup and adaptThe StructureFirst of all, we must prepare the table in the database that will contain all the discussions of our forum. What this table will have is messages information, their authors, and other data that will serve to identify what discussion the message belongs to. This is the proposed structure:CREATE TABLE `foro` (`id` int(7) NOT NULL autoincrement,`autor` varchar(200) NOT NULL default ”,`titulo` varchar(200) NOT NULL default ”,`mensaje` text NOT NULL,`fecha` datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,`respuestas` int(11) NOT NULL default ‘0’,`identificador` int(7) NOT NULL default ‘0’,`ultrespuesta` datetime default NULL,KEY `id` (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM;Lets see in detail what fields our Forum’s table will have.
Find more on. id:will be the main identifier of the table. It serves to differentiate each message. autor: the message’s author. titulo: the title that the message will have. If this message is the initiator of a discussion, it will be the one that will show in the forum’s home. mensaje: the message itself.
fecha: a field DATETIME that will indicate the date each message has been published. respuestas:if this message is the initiator of a discussion, the number of answers that it receives will be accumulated here. identificador:this field keeps the id value of the message that is being answered. If the message is initiator of a discussion, then this field will be in zero. ultrespuesta: if the message is a discussion initiator, the value will be updated with the date of the last answer that has received. It is useful to be able to maintain an order in the forums.The above SQL command can be kept in a.sql file and run in your database from phpMyAdmin or, if you prefer it, it can be entered line by line in a text editor of mySQL (like mySQL monitor).
Once we have created the table in your database, we can then advance to the following step. Before coding anything for the forum, we are going to create a small script that carries out a task to be repeated a lot, and that is to connect us to the database. This script will be included in each page where we have to access the database:Sample of the page configuracion.php$bdusuario = “user”;$bdpassword = “password”;$bdbase = “nuestrabd”;$con = mysqlconnect($bdhost, $bdusuario, $bdpassword);mysqlselectdb($bdbase, $con);?As we can see, there is not rocket science in this script, only variables containing the configuration of our database, and the minimum and necessary code to connect and to keep the resource from the connection in a variable $con that soon we will use when we make our queries.
This article includes a, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient. Please help to this article by more precise citations. ( September 2010) Reputation systems are programs that allow users to rate each other in online communities in order to build trust through reputation. Some common uses of these systems can be found on websites such as, and as well as online advice communities such as. These reputation systems represent a significant trend in 'decision support for Internet mediated service provisions'. With the popularity of online communities for shopping, advice, and exchange of other important information, reputation systems are becoming vitally important to the online experience.
The idea of reputations systems is that even if the consumer can't physically try a product or service, or see the person providing information, that they can be confident in the outcome of the exchange through trust built by recommender systems., used most commonly in, are related to reputation systems in that they both collect ratings from members of a community. The core difference between reputation systems and collaborative filtering is the ways in which they use user feedback.
In collaborative filtering, the goal is to find similarities between users in order to recommend products to customers. The role of reputation systems, in contrast, is to gather a collective opinion in order to build trust between users of an online community. Contents.Types Online states that online reputation systems are 'computer-based technologies that make it possible to manipulate in new and powerful ways an old and essential human trait'. Rheingold says that these systems arose as a result of the need for Internet users to gain trust in the individuals they transact with online. The trait he notes in human groups is that social functions such as gossip 'keeps us up to date on who to trust, who other people trust, who is important, and who decides who is important'. Internet sites such as and, he argues, seek to make use of this social trait and are 'built around the contributions of millions of customers, enhanced by reputation systems that police the quality of the content and transactions exchanged through the site'.Reputation banks The emerging increases the importance of trust in peer-to-peer marketplaces and services.
Sistema De Reputacion Php 1
Users can build up reputation and trust in individual systems but usually don't have the ability to carry those reputations to other systems. Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers argue in their book What's Mine is Yours (2010), that 'it is only a matter of time before there is some form of network that aggregates across multiple forms of Collaborative Consumption'. These systems, often referred to as reputation banks, try to give users a platform to manage their reputation capital across multiple systems.Maintaining effective reputation systems The main function of reputation systems is to build a sense of trust among users of online communities.
Sistema De Reputacion Php De La
As with brick and mortar stores, trust and reputation can be built through customer feedback. Paul Resnick from the Association of Computing Machinery describes three properties that are necessary for reputation systems to operate effectively. Entities must have a long lifetime and create accurate expectations of future interactions.
They must capture and distribute feedback about prior interactions. They must use feedback to guide trust.These three properties are critically important in building reliable reputations, and all revolve around one important element: user feedback. User feedback in reputation systems, whether it be in the form of comments, ratings, or recommendations, is a valuable piece of information. Without user feedback, reputation systems cannot sustain an environment of trust.Eliciting user feedback can have three related problems. The first of these problems is the willingness of users to provide feedback when the option to do so is not required. If an online community has a large stream of interactions happening, but no feedback is gathered, the environment of trust and reputation cannot be formed. The second of these problems is gaining negative feedback from users.
Many factors contribute to users not wanting to give negative feedback, the most prominent being a fear of retaliation. When feedback is not anonymous, many users fear retaliation if negative feedback is given.
The final problem related to user feedback is eliciting honest feedback from users. Although there is no concrete method for ensuring the truthfulness of feedback, if a community of honest feedback is established, new users will be more likely to give honest feedback as well.Other pitfalls to effective reputation systems described by A. Josang et al. Include change of identities and discrimination.
Again these ideas tie back to the idea of regulating user actions in order to gain accurate and consistent user feedback. When analyzing different types of reputation systems it is important to look at these specific features in order to determine the effectiveness of each system.Standardization attempt The proposed a protocol to exchange reputation data.
It was originally aimed at email applications, but it was subsequently developed as a general architecture for a reputation-based service, followed by an email-specific part. However, the workhorse of email reputation remains with DNSxL's, which do not follow that protocol.