Sims 4 Food Texture
The Sims Resource has just released a public beta of their updated program for The Sims 4 called The Sims Resource Workshop! With some instructions that you can find, on, you’ll be ready to create your own Content for The Sims 4!
New Step 8 (added 12/4/14) thanks (again!) to melbrewer and plasticbox: When all your textures are saved and ready, open S4PE and highlight and drag the all the dds files you saved in your project folder onto the main window. A window like this will pop up: Click Import. All the dds files will then be in S4PE. Food Texture. ☆ Retexture all food base game. ☆ Please do not re-edit / re-upload ☆ Create by Utopia Sims Download: DOWNLOAD Buy me a coffee.
Create anything!TSR Workshop was built to let you create any custom content you want. Be it hairstyles, objects, clothing, accessories or patterns, everything is possible with this in-house tool from The Sims Resource!
Food Texture Override Sims 4

Beautiful 3D ViewIn order to see the changes you are doing to your creations, TSR Workshop offers a live 3D Viewport for your convenience. Changing a pattern or checking the wireframe of your mesh?
You’ll instantly see it! GeostatesAre you stuck with getting bookshelves properly to work? Not a problem in TSR Workshop where a built-in Geostates editor allows you to redefine the data so books (or other objects) properly appear and disappear!Click on the picture below to download this Program!
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