The Long Dark Best Map

Let's play The Long Dark! Survival School has been fully updated for 2018.
I wish I had the time (I spent 300+ hours on these maps), but I don't. I hope you will still find your way in The Long Dark and thank you for your enthusiasm:) I have used the free open source vector program Inkscape for the maps. You can reach me on Twitter @toarda if you have questions. Feel free to use my maps for your own. Welcome to the improved DarkSiteFinder light pollution map. Here are some useful links: - Sortable Dark Site Listing - Add A New Dark Site - How To See the Milky Way - How To See the Aurora - Color Scale Meaning - More Astronomy Links. The Long Dark is planned to have a full story mode which will expand on what is being showcased in the Early Access release. This article is an overview of what is available in the sandbox mode and is not a judgment of the completed game.
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The Long Dark Best Map Of United States
These videos were recorded in v1.21 'Rugged Sentinel.' Video description and relevant links are right here, channel & community-relevant links are below!Survival School is a tutorial series geared toward brand new and returning players. As 2017 Survival School viewers have before you, you'll learn how to play The Long Dark in a spoiler-light, mechanics-focused style that leaves the discovery of the game's environment and best moments to you!Feedback and questions from the game and channel community are especially welcome. Please offer your own perspectives and ask questions if anything doesn't make sense. You should consider the comments section as important as the video itself!Enjoying the show? Give this video a like! And feel free to share it.