Steam How To Remove Mods

The easiest way is simply to locate the 'Skyrim' folder in your Steamapps folder and delete it, then have steam reinstall the game, updates and DLC's.You can also make a backup of your Skyrim.esm, Updates.esm and any DLC esm's, as well as the base meshes and textures BSA's and any DLC BSA's to a separate location - then delete everything in your Skyrim folder. Then move the backed up files to the folder. Then have steam verify the files and reinstall anything you missed. The second way takes a bit less time if you have an unstable net connection and/or don't want to download everything from steam again.
Im having the same problem and when i uninstall skyrim and reinstall it doesnt get rid of my mods please can you helpDelete Local Content AKA steam Uninstall dosen't delete mods SKSE or ENB's to fully get rid of them go to your steam directorymine as exampleX: Steam/ SteamAPPs Common Skyrim. Then just Delete the Skyrim Folderfor yours it will probbably beC: programfilesx86 Steam Steam Apps Common Skyrimbut i would suggest looking up tutorials on how to manually install and uninstall mods. Incase there ever comes a time (like recently with the ESO glitch) when NMM crashes and won't work you can still use and Mod Skyrimthere really is notheing to it.

Steam How To Remove Mods On Pc
@RzRGameR If you're using the 'mods' folder in OpenIV, you can just delete that folder. If you've installed scripts and the Script Hook, you can just delete those files, too. If you replaced original game files and didn't back up, you'll have to re-install the full game. Page 1 of 3 - How to remove all mods? - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: Ive been playing skyrim for a long time, and Ive accumulated lots of mods, but due to nexus and the steam workshop, I never learned to manually install mods.
I started modding in oblivion and had continued through Fallout NV. Manually with out a Mod Manager.
The first Mod Manager i had used was NMM and the first game i used it with was skyrimManual Modding is not hard at all i modded for over 6 year with no manager useing Boss to sort load order. It is as simple as drag and drop. The trick is knowing what file goes in what folder and the way all the nexus files are set up just open them with Win rar and drag and drop and you are done. To uninstall just reopen the Rar file and match file names then delete the matches simple.